
483 Articles

KitchenAid Takes A Stand, Removes Products From Target Citing Values Misalignment

In a stunning move that sent shockwaves through the marketplace, beloved kitchen

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Five Types of Women Who Can’t Maintain a Marriage

The Most Beautiful Women -It takes holyspirit only to make a beautiful

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Farm Cartoonist Loses His 21-Year Career Over ‘Offensive’ Cartoon

A veteran cartoonist from a newspaper publication gets fired after one single

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She Thought It Was a Huge Tip, But When She Goes To Pick It Up…’This Is Not What I Was Expecting!’

Many Americans have experienced the daily grind of being a waiter or

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Department Store Takes Stand Against “Happy Holidays” Will Say “Merry Christmas” Instead

In recent years, the festive season has seen a shift in how

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America’s Largest Woke Retailer Pulls The Plug On Advertising On X

In recent weeks, the controversy surrounding Elon Musk and “X” has been

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Couple charged insanely high by Starbucks for two cups of coffee, forcing them to cancel trip

A couple in Oklahoma says they were charged more than $4,000 for

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7 Things Cheaters Say When They’ve Been Caught!

I Didn’t Do It. It Wasn’t Me. The easiest excuse? Denying it.

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Even though they were common, Very few people know what these gadgets were used for…

Imagine this scenario. You’re searching through a junk drawer at your home

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