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Customers Upset Over Sign On KFC’s Door. Ohio KFC Responds: Too Bad, It Stays Up
“All uniformed police officers eat free every day all day,” read a…
The Scene Where Archie Bunker Defends The National Anthem Is Going Viral 50 Years Later
Archie Bunker most definitely was a memorable tv character. For years, he…
Megan Rapinoe Files for Bankruptcy: “Nobody Will Hire Me”
Megan Rapinoe’s career took an unexpected turn as she faced a series…
Oklahoma Liquor Store Faced Backlash Over ‘Offensive’ Sign In Their Window
It’s growing easier to believe the widespread belief that everyone these days…
Mother Shocked To See Her Child Bowed His Knee In Walmart To Pray
A while back, Young Braydon accompanied his mother to Walmart, the largest…
I Grew Up Eating Spam All The Time, But I Never Knew The Truth About It! Did you?
Retro foods are getting renewed attention, including that classic meat in a…
Boy Almost Dies And Comes Back To Life, Says Jesus Gave Him This Message For The World
A boy was resuscitated after a car crash and said he met…
Always turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your smartphone when you are sleeping. Here’s why!
Do you pay attention on the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings before you…
A High School Football Team Decided To Take A Knee For The Anthem, So The Refs Taught Them A Lesson
During a moment before a high school football game, while listening to…