
483 Articles

This “Offensive” Harley Davidson Billboard Has Caused Quite The Controversy

Every so often, billboards rub people the wrong way. Perhaps, they are

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90% Not know what this Is. Go ahead prove me wrong (lf You Can)

Laundering by hand involves soaking, beating, scrubbing, and rinsing dirty textiles. Before

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DMV Demands Woman Surrender Her Custom License Plate Because It Sounds ‘Offensive’

The Department of Motor Vehicles demanded a New Hampshire woman to surrender

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Wrong Place! Veteran Takes Down Knife-Wielding Man In Walmart

There’s a time and a place for everything. There’s also a wrong

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I’ve Been To Cracker Barrel 100’s of Times, But Never Knew This

If you’ve ever been in a Cracker Barrel restaurant, you know that

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J.K. Rowling Says She’ll Do Hard Time Before She Calls A Trans-Identifying Man A ‘Woman’

“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling has often spoken up for the sex-based

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Robber Pulls Out Gun At Missouri Liquor Store, Doesn’t Realize Cashier Did 4 Tours In Iraq

When a would-be thief walked into a Missouri liquor store and pulled

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Chilling Warning From 1965 Comes True 53 Years Later

From the 1950s through the 1990s, Paul Harvey was one of the

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Father Snapped Photo Of Daughter Standing With Horses – When He Looked Closer, He Burst Out Laughing!

A father was out for a fun day with his daughter when

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